Google Ads Assets

15+ Google Ads Assets/Extensions Optimization Tips To Boost CTR

Last Updated on April 3, 2024 by Subhash Jain

In today’s digital age, businesses of all sizes are turning to online advertising to drive traffic and increase conversions. One of the most popular platforms for digital advertising is Google Ads, which allows businesses to display their ads to potential customers across the internet. But how do you know if your Google Ads campaign is effective? One important metric to consider is the Click-Through Rate (CTR), which measures the number of clicks your ad receives in relation to the number of times it’s shown.

In order to ensure that your ads capture the attention of your target audience, incorporating Google ad Assets/Extensions can be highly effective. Utilising the appropriate Ad Assets/Extensions for your audience can draw attention to your Ad, elevate the Ad experience, and boost click-through rates, all without incurring any additional costs from your PPC budget.

Google Blog post highlighted how site assets can be helpful to increase CTR:-

We’ve seen that this works: on average, advertisers see a 20% increase in clickthrough rate when 4 sitelinks show with their Search ads,  and a 10% increase in clickthrough rate when image extensions show with their mobile Search ads.

Our goal is to make it easy for you to deliver more engaging ads and provide you with helpful, actionable information about their performance. That’s why we’re rolling out new workflows and reports that bring ad extensions and assets together. As a result of this change, ad extensions will now be called assets to better align with this evolved identity.”

This comprehensive guide will delve into what you can anticipate from Assets/Extensions and provide insights on when and how to employ each extension type; let us begin. But before that, you might wonder, “How Can Ad Extensions Contribute to Increasing User Engagement?” So let’s start this blog by answering this question extensions, add:”Ad Extensions play a pivotal role in enhancing user engagement with your Google Ads. By providing additional information like links to specific parts of your website (Sitelinks), unique selling points (Callouts), or detailed attributes of your services (Structured Snippets), these extensions make your ads more informative and interactive. This tailored approach caters to your audience’s interests, encouraging more clicks and interactions.

Table of Contents

Rebranding of Google Ad Extensions as Assets

Unveiling Google’s Transformation: From Extensions to Assets in Google Ads

On September 15, 2022, Google announced that extensions in Google Ads would be rebranded as Google Ads assets in the Google Ads UI. Earlier, advertisers used to manage ads Assets separately; after the changes were made, the ads Assets can be created in the same step. Google shows suitable assets according to advertising campaign goals.

In the ever-evolving world of online advertising, Google Ads has always been at the forefront, adapting and innovating to provide a better experience for advertisers and users alike. Recently, Google made significant changes by replacing the term “Assets/Extensions” with “assets” in Google Ads. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the rationale behind this shift and explore how it impacts your advertising strategies.

Understanding the Shift:

Google’s decision to replace the term “Assets/Extensions” with “assets” signals a fundamental shift in how advertisers should approach their ad components. Rather than focusing solely on traditional Assets/Extensions, Google now encourages a broader mindset that encompasses a wider range of creative elements and functionalities within your ads.

Embracing a Holistic Approach:

By introducing the concept of “assets,” Google emphasises the importance of utilising various elements beyond traditional Assets/Extensions. These assets can include text, images, videos, headlines, descriptions, and more. This holistic approach allows for greater flexibility and creativity in crafting compelling ad experiences.

Enhanced Customization:

The transition from Assets/Extensions to assets brings an increased emphasis on customization. Advertisers can now experiment with different combinations of assets to create highly tailored ads that resonate with their target audience. This newfound flexibility empowers advertisers to deliver more engaging and impactful messages.

Asset Optimization Strategies:

With assets playing a crucial role in Google Ads, it’s vital to adopt effective optimization strategies. This involves testing and analysing different asset combinations, measuring their performance, and refining your ads based on data-driven insights. By continuously optimising your assets, you can improve ad relevance, click-through rates, and ultimately, conversions.

Adaptation Challenges:

While the concept of assets opens up exciting possibilities, it also presents certain challenges. Advertisers accustomed to the previous extension-based approach may need to adapt their mindset and workflows to leverage the full potential of assets effectively. Familiarising yourself with the new asset framework and experimenting with different combinations will be essential to stay ahead in the ever-competitive advertising landscape.

Implications for Advertisers:

The shift from Assets/Extensions to assets reflects Google’s commitment to enhancing ad experiences and driving better results. Advertisers should embrace this change as an opportunity to think more creatively and strategically. By leveraging assets effectively, you can create more compelling and engaging ads that capture the attention of your target audience.

What are Google Ads Assets? How can Assets benefit my ads?

Assets are small content pieces created automatically to add additional informative values to your ad attracting more people to your business. The major Google Ads Assets are headline, description, call buttons, links to website, location information, etc that appear in an ad format shown to users.

Google Ads Assets

The major objective of providing Assets for Google Ads is to help the advertisers make their ads more informative, influential, convenient to act, and connected to improve CTR. The new workflows and reports help advertisers to scale the performance of their ads and manage budgets based on actionable information. Google Ads Assets benefit businesses by improving the visibility of ads as well as prominence to search results pages that increase the numbers of clicks by facilitating potential customers to reach your business through additional interactive ways. These are free to add Assets; these are shown only if they seem to improve the ad’s performance.

“Google Ads is an effective marketing tool to get qualified traffic of high potential customers to your business website. The most convincing trait to invest in Assets powered Google Ads campaign is that you get the website visitors or leads from the people who are already searching for products/services that you offer as per their preference like location, network, review based rating, etc.”     

Sitelink Assets:

These are additional links and appear at the bottom of your ad on the SERP. In this section, you have to fill four spaces. The first is link text similar to the ad’s headline; it tells the viewers about the context of the ad.

Sitelink Assets

The second and third spaces need you to put the description up to just 25 characters; it serves the purpose of adding additional information to the context of the sitelink. The fourth space asks you to place the final URL. Advertisers experience a 20% increase in click-through rate when four sitelinks appear with Search ads.

Callout Assets:

These Assets are used to promote an ad with promotional values like ‘five star rating’ and ‘free delivery’. You can use up to 10 callouts to support your ad text. Ads with callout Assets appear at the top or bottom of Google search results. The callout Assets can be managed at the campaign, ad group, and account level.

Structured Snippet Assets:

These are used to highlight special aspects of offered services/products. These appear beneath the text ad like a header. Ads with structured snippets appear with two headers on computers and one header at mobile devices.

Structured Snippet Assets

It helps potential buyers identify your products and services with distinctive features.

Image Assets:

These allow advertisers to complement text ads with relevant and compelling visuals. These are highly effective to increase the reach of text ad message because of making the ad available to new platforms like YouTube.

Call Assets:

These Assets allow you to attach a phone number to your ad. The phone number appears below the ad on mobiles while it appears next to the ad on computers. It helps you receive more numbers of calls from potential customers because they don’t need surfing your website to get a contact number. Direct interaction results in an improved conversion rate.

Lead form Assets:

These Assets allow your customers to fill up a form linked with your ads instead of landing at your website first to send an enquiry. It is a must-adopt practice for the advertisers with goal to collect maximum information of viewers.

Location Assets:

These Assets show your business locations, already synced to your account, beneath the ad. These are good for those looking to increase foot traffic and local business.

Affiliate location Assets:

It is a great promotional feature for businesses operating through franchise networks or operating from multiple locations. The template extension allows you to pick the options from a list of retailers or dealers relevant to your trade. Affiliate location asset is available only if you are marketing through a major affiliate.

Price Assets:

These products and promotional offer-focused price Assets allow advertisers to list specific items with discounted prices along with description. You get templated choices to choose the product type, currency, and price qualifiers. Advertisers are allowed to use up the eight price Assets.

App Assets:

These allow connecting your mobile apps with text Google Ads. The potential customers can either click your ad headline to land your business website, or a link available at your mobile app. App assets improve the performance of your business website and apps as well because of increased usability. The link to your mobile app appears below the ad.

Promotion Assets:

It is valuable marketing support for your Google Ads. Promotion assets add additional value to text ads by highlighting sales and promotional offers; it converts more numbers of ad viewers into buyers by influencing and compelling them by the highlighted best deals offered by you. Promotion assets appear under the text ad in an eye-catching manner. These allow you to update and schedule your promotional offers, as you want without changing the ad text and without losing the collected data.

Dynamic Sitelink Assets:

These Assets boost advertising value and impact. These are highly effective to draw potential buyers to your business website. Dynamic sitelinks add high-quality and relevant sitelinks to video ads or text ads. The links to a particular section of the business website is a great competitive advantage.

Dynamic Callout Assets:

These appear automatically with Search ads to help the viewers get more information about your services and products. These provide additional information about the products and services compelling the users to click your ad. For example, ‘Save up to 30% on home cleaning services’ or ‘10 yrs experience-backed specialisation’.

Seller Rating Assets:

These Assets help you promote your business reputation to strengthen the customers’ trust in the brand. It shows the overall rating of your business based on collected reviews by Google on a five-star scale. Rating asset shows total numbers of reviews and ratings as well. This Asset is available only if your business qualifies for 3.5 stars.

Dynamic Image Assets:

These Assets allow you to upload quality visuals to support the text ads for increased engagement of viewers to get convinced and click on ads. According to Google, 10% increase in CTR can be achieved by using image assets with mobile Search ads ((Source: Google internal data, 3/5/2021 – 3/18/2021). The availability for new platforms increases the reach of ad to wider audience.

How to Set Up Google Ads Assets-Seven Steps

Before starting to use a Google Ads campaign, it is a must to determine the goals and target audience. The marketing plan metrics guide you to optimise Google Ads text and Assets. The following seven steps will take you through setting and optimising Google Ads Assets up to their full potential-

  1. Log into Google Ads account 
  2. Select the Google Ads campaign or group 
  3. Click “Ads & Assets” tab
  4. Click “Assets”
  5. Select the Assets you want to use
  6. Customise selected Assets as per business plan 
  7. “Save.”

Maximising Your Ad Potential: Key points  to remember about Manual and Automated Assets

Google Ads Manual ExtensionsGoogle Ads Automated Extensions
DefinitionExtensions that are created, modified, and controlled by advertisers manuallyExtensions that are generated automatically by Google Ads based on ad performance, user context, and available data.
ControlAdvertisers have full control over the creation, modification, and removal of manual extensionsGoogle Ads automatically generates and displays automated extensions without advertiser control.
Configuration OptionsAdvertisers can customise the content and appearance of manual extensions, such as callout extensions, sitelink extensions, and structured snippet extensionsAutomated extensions do not have customization options since they are generated automatically based on the ad and user data
Time InvestmentRequires ongoing management and maintenance from advertisers to create, optimise, and update manual extensionsRequires minimal time investment from advertisers as the extensions are generated automatically by Google Ads..
Performance ManagementAdvertisers can directly measure and analyse the performance of manual extensions, making it easier to make data-driven optimizations.Performance analysis and management of automated extensions can be limited, as advertisers have less control over their appearance and content
FlexibilityManual extensions offer greater flexibility to tailor the extensions to specific ad campaigns and objectives.Automated extensions are less flexible, as their content and appearance are determined by Google Ads algorithms.
Ad Rank ImpactManual extensions can contribute to improving ad rank, as they provide additional information and enhance the ad’s visibility.Automated extensions can also positively impact ad rank, as they are designed to improve ad performance and user experience.
Manual InterventionAdvertisers can manually pause or remove manual extensions if they deem it necessary.Advertisers cannot manually intervene or disable automated extensions, as they are automatically generated and displayed by Google Ads.

Comparison between Manual and Automated Extension with respect to Google Ads Extension

Extension TypeGoogle Ads Manual ExtensionsGoogle Ads Automated Extensions
Sitelink ExtensionsManually created by advertisers with specific links below ads.Automatically generated by Google Ads based on ad content and user context.
Call ExtensionsAdvertisers manually add phone numbers to their ads.Google Ads automatically identifies phone numbers on landing pages and generates call extensions.
Location ExtensionsAdvertisers manually add business locations to their ads.Google Ads automatically generates location extensions based on business data.
Callout ExtensionsAdvertisers manually create short snippets of additional text.Google Ads automatically generates callout extensions based on ad content and context.
Structured Snippet ExtensionsAdvertisers manually select predefined categories and add details.Google Ads automatically generates structured snippet extensions based on ad content and context.
Price ExtensionsAdvertisers manually create a list of products/services with prices.Google Ads automatically generates promotion extensions based on available data.

The power of Assets finding and reviewing your Ads hidden gems

It’s essential to test and experiment with a wide range of assets to understand which ones resonate most effectively with your target audience. This can include testing different ad copy variations, visuals, headlines, and calls to action. By testing multiple assets, you can identify the hidden gems that yield the best results.

  • Data Analysis: Analysing the performance data of your ad assets is crucial. Look for patterns and trends in click-through rates, conversions, and engagement metrics. Identify the assets that consistently outperform others and understand the factors contributing to their success. This analysis can help you identify your hidden gems and make data-driven decisions.

  • Iterative Optimization: Continuously optimise your assets based on performance insights. For underperforming assets, consider making adjustments such as refining the messaging, enhancing visuals, or trying different variations. By iteratively optimising your assets, you increase the chances of finding and capitalising on those hidden gems.
  • Adapting to Audience Preferences: Different audiences respond differently to various assets. By segmenting your audience and tailoring your assets to specific demographics or interests, you can maximise the impact of your ads. Pay attention to feedback, engagement metrics, and customer preferences to identify the hidden gems that resonate strongly with specific segments.
  • Creative Refresh: Over time, even the best-performing assets can lose their effectiveness due to ad fatigue. To combat this, periodically refresh your creative elements by introducing new assets while retaining the proven ones. A fresh approach can help re-engage your audience and potentially reveal new hidden gems.
  • Diverse Asset Testing Example: Test various ad elements to find the most effective one. In this case, an e-commerce company wants to promote a new product line. They create three different ad variations with varying visuals, headlines, and calls to action.
  • Variant 1: Features lifestyle imagery, a catchy headline, and a “Shop Now” call to action. 
  • Variant 2: Utilises product close-ups, an informative headline, and an “Explore More” call to action. 
  • Variant 3: Includes a video showcasing the product’s benefits, a compelling headline, and a “Buy Now” call to action.

The company launches these variations simultaneously and tracks their performance metrics, including click-through rates and conversions. After a week of testing, they find that Variant 3 with the video outperforms the other two variations significantly, generating higher click-through rates and more conversions. Based on this data, the company identifies Variant 3 as the hidden gem among their assets and decides to allocate more budget and resources to further optimise and promote it.

Why use callout Assets/Extensions? What does adding Callout Extensions to your Google Search Ads enable you to do?

Callout Extensions are a dynamic tool to enhance your Google Search Ads. They enable you to spotlight special offers or features like ‘Free Shipping,’ ’24/7 Customer Support,’ or ‘Exclusive Discounts.’ These concise, attention-grabbing phrases add value to your ads, helping to differentiate your offerings and emphasize what makes your business unique. Effectively used, callouts can significantly improve your ad’s appeal and drive more user engagement.
Using callout extensions in Google Ads can provide several benefits for your advertising campaigns:

  • Highlight Key Features or Benefits: Callout extensions allow you to highlight specific features, benefits, or unique selling points of your products or services. They provide additional text that appears below your ad, giving you an opportunity to showcase what sets your offerings apart from the competition.
  • Increased Visibility: Callout extensions can help increase the visibility of your ads on the search engine results page (SERP). By including additional text, your ad takes up more space and stands out from other ads, attracting the attention of potential customers.
  • Improved Ad Relevance: Callout extensions allow you to provide more context and information about your business. By customising callouts to align with specific search queries, you can make your ad more relevant to users, increasing the likelihood of clicks and conversions.
  • Enhanced Click-Through Rates (CTR): By highlighting compelling features or benefits, callout extensions can entice users to click on your ads. Increased relevancy and visibility can lead to higher click-through rates, improving the overall performance of your campaigns.
  • Better Ad Rank Potential: Callout extensions contribute to your ad rank, which affects ad position and visibility. Including callouts can help improve your quality score, ad relevance, and expected click-through rate, which in turn can positively impact your ad rank and placement.
  • Increased Ad Space Utilisation: Callout extensions provide an opportunity to utilise more ad space without additional cost. By utilising callouts effectively, you can maximise the information conveyed within the limited ad space, offering more details to potential customers.

Remember to keep your callouts concise, relevant, and appealing. extensions based on performance data to ensure they align with.

What content could be used for a structured snippet extension? What’s the primary benefit of using Structured Snippet Extensions in your Ads?

Structured snippet extensions in Google Ads allow you to provide more detailed information about specific aspects of your products or services.

Tired of ad clicks that go nowhere? Structured Snippet Extensions can change that! So now, What’s the Primary Benefit of Using Structured Snippet Extensions in Your Ads?
Say you’re searching for “best hiking boots for women.” Seeing an ad with snippets like:

  • Waterproof? ✔ All our boots repel puddles and downpours.
  • Comfy for long treks? Supportive soles and cushioned designs.
  • Wide fit options? We’ve got your feet covered (literally!).

The primary benefit of Structured Snippet Extensions lies in their ability to present detailed, relevant information about your products or services. By clearly outlining specific attributes or categories, these snippets enhance the specificity and relevance of your ads. This targeted approach informs potential customers and helps filter your audience, attracting those most interested in your specific offerings, thus improving the overall engagement quality and likelihood of conversion. Here are some examples of content that could be used for structured snippet extensions:

  • Product Categories: If you have an ecommerce store with various product categories, you can use structured snippets to list the different categories you offer, such as “Electronics,” “Apparel,” “Home and Garden,” or “Sports Equipment.”
  • Brands: If you carry products from multiple brands, you can use structured snippets to highlight the brands you offer, such as “Nike,” “Apple,” “Samsung,” or “Sony.”
  • Services: If you provide services, you can use structured snippets to showcase the specific services you offer, such as “Web Design,” “Content Writing,” “SEO Consulting,” or “Social Media Marketing.”
  • Features: If your products or services have notable features, you can use structured snippets to highlight those features. For example, if you sell cameras, you can mention features like “High-resolution images,” “4K video recording,” “Image stabilization,” or “Wireless connectivity.”
  • Destinations: If you’re promoting travel-related services, you can use structured snippets to list popular destinations you offer, such as “Paris,” “New York,” “Tokyo,” or “Bali.”
  • Styles or Types: If you have a fashion or home decor business, you can use structured snippets to showcase different styles or types of products you offer, such as “Vintage,” “Modern,” “Minimalist,” or “Bohemian.”

Remember, structured snippet extensions should be concise and specific to the context of your products or services. They provide additional details that complement your ad, helping to attract relevant customers and provide more information to potential buyers.

What are the best practices for sitelink Assets/Extensions?

When it comes to sitelink extensions, here are some best practices to consider:

  • Relevant and Specific Links: Ensure that the sitelinks you choose are directly related to the content and purpose of your ad. Each sitelink should offer valuable information or specific actions that users might be interested in. For example, if you’re advertising a clothing store, relevant sitelinks could include “Shop Women’s Clothing,” “Men’s Shoe Collection,” or “Special Offers.”
  • Variety and Diversity: Include a variety of sitelinks that cover different aspects of your business or different stages of the customer journey. This allows users to choose the most relevant option for their needs. Examples of diverse sitelinks could include “About Us,” “Product Catalog,” “Customer Reviews,” or “Contact Us.”
  • Limited Sitelinks: Google Ads allows you to include up to 10 sitelinks, but it’s generally recommended to use fewer, around 4 to 6, to avoid overwhelming the user with too many options. Having a limited number of sitelinks also ensures that the most important and relevant ones are displayed prominently.
  • Compelling and Action-Oriented Text: Write concise and compelling text for each sitelink. Use actionable language that encourages users to click. For example, instead of “Products,” use “Explore Our Product Range” to create a sense of curiosity and engagement.
  • Mobile Optimization: Optimise your sitelinks for mobile devices. Keep the text short and ensure that the sitelinks are easily clickable on smaller screens. Test how the sitelinks appear and function on mobile devices to ensure a seamless user experience.
  • Regular Review and Optimization: Continuously monitor the performance of your sitelinks and make adjustments as needed. Identify sitelinks with low click-through rates and replace them with new options or modify the text to improve their effectiveness.

Remember, sitelinks are an opportunity to provide additional value to your users and increase engagement with your ads. By following these best practices, you can create compelling and relevant sitelinks that enhance the user experience and drive better results for your advertising campaigns.

Do image Assets/Extensions improve CTR?

Using image assets/extensions in Google Ads can have the potential to improve click-through rates (CTR) for certain ad formats. Here are a few reasons why image assets/extensions may positively impact CTR:

  • Visual Appeal: Images can capture attention and create a visually appealing ad experience. Incorporating relevant and high-quality images can make your ads more attractive, increasing the likelihood of users clicking on them.
  • Product Showcase: If you are promoting products or services, images can effectively showcase what you offer. Visual representations of your offerings can help users visualise the product or service, generating interest and leading to higher click-through rates.
  • Differentiation: Utilising image assets/extensions can set your ads apart from text-only ads. In a sea of text-based ads, having visually engaging elements can make your ad stand out and draw attention to your message.
  • Branding and Recognition: Consistently using visual elements that align with your brand identity can help users recognize and remember your ads. This recognition can lead to increased trust and familiarity, potentially resulting in higher CTR.

However, it’s important to note that the impact of image assets/extensions on CTR may vary based on factors such as the target audience, industry, and the quality and relevance of the images used. It’s crucial to continuously test and monitor the performance of your ads, analyse the data, and make informed optimizations based on the results

In summary, incorporating relevant and visually appealing images in your ads can potentially improve CTR, but it’s crucial to measure and assess the results in the context of your specific campaign goals and target audience.

What is the limit of call out extension?

In Google Ads, the character limit for callout extensions is 25 characters per callout. Callout extensions allow you to add additional text to your ads to highlight specific information or benefits about your products or services. They appear as short snippets of text below your ad copy.

  • When creating callout extensions, keep in mind that each callout should be concise and impactful within the character limit. It’s recommended to use clear and compelling language to showcase unique selling points, promotions, key features, or any other relevant information that may entice users to click on your ad.
  • Google Ads allows you to add multiple callout extensions to an ad, but only a subset of callouts may appear depending on the ad space available and the relevance to the user’s search. It’s generally recommended to have a minimum of 4 to 6 callout extensions to increase the chances of displaying relevant callouts that resonate with your audience.

Remember to regularly review the performance of your callout extensions and make adjustments as needed to optimise their effectiveness in driving clicks and achieving your advertising goals.

What is the difference between call only ads and call Assets/Extensions?

AspectsCall only adsCall Extensions
PurposeEncourage users to make phone callsProvide option for users to call and other ad interactions
Ad FormatMobile devicesMobile and desktop ads
User ExperiencePhone call is the primary and only action availablePhone call option with additional ad interactions
FlexibilityFocused on generating phone callsAllows other ad interactions alongside phone call option

Where do lead form Assets/Extensions go?

Stay within the Google Ads ecosystem: Lead form Assets/Extensions typically stay within the Google Ads ecosystem.

  • Ad Interaction: When users click on the lead form extension, a form opens directly within the ad, allowing users to submit their information without leaving the search results page.
  • Collect User Information: The lead form collects user information such as name, contact details, and other relevant data you specify.
  • Lead Management: The submitted lead data can be accessed and managed through Google Ads, where you can review, download, and integrate it with your CRM or other systems.
  • Follow-Up Process: You can define the follow-up process, such as sending an automated email or redirecting users to a specific landing page after form submission.

It’s important to note that the lead form Assets/Extensions provide a convenient way for users to express interest and provide their information directly within the ad, streamlining the lead generation process.

How do I download leads from lead form extension?

  • Access Google Ads: Log in to your Google Ads account.
  • Go to “Extensions”: Navigate to the “Extensions” tab within your Google Ads dashboard.
  • Select “Lead Form Extensions”: Locate and select the “Lead Form Extensions” option.
  • View Leads: Review the list of leads that have been generated through the lead form extension.
  • Download Leads: Look for the option to download leads or export the lead datA:
  • Choose Export Format: Select the desired export format, such as CSV or Excel.
  • Download: Initiate the download process to save the lead data to your computer.

Remember to regularly download and manage your leads to ensure you can effectively follow up and utilise the data for your marketing and sales efforts.

What is the difference between image extension and dynamic image extension?

FeatureImage ExtensionsDynamic Image Extensions
Manual or automatedManualAutomated
Image customizationYesNo
Image sourceProvided by advertiserGenerated based on website content
Setup complexityRequires manual setupAutomatically generated
Image relevanceDetermined by advertiserDetermined by advertiser
Dynamic contentNoYes

What is the difference between structured snippets and dynamic structured snippets extension?

FeatureStructured SnippetsDynamic Structured Snippets
Manual or automatedManualautomated
Content customizationYes No
Update frequencyManual updatesAutomated updates
Dynamic contentNOYes
FlexibilityLimited to predefined categoriesDynamic categories based on website content

What is the difference between dynamic sitelinks and sitelinks?

FeatureSitelinksDynamic Sitelinks
CreationManually created by the advertiserGenerated dynamically by Google
CustomizationAdvertiser can choose specific sitelinksGoogle automatically selects relevant links
UpdatesManual updates required by the advertiserAutomatically updated by Google
FlexibilityLimited number of sitelinks (up to 10)Additional dynamic sitelinks can be shown
RelevanceAdvertiser controls the sitelinks displayedGoogle selects sitelinks based on user intent

How can location Assets/Extensions be optimised to increase click-through rate (CTR)?

Specific location details: Include precise information, like addresses or landmarks. For example, “Visit our store at 123 Main St.”

  • Unique selling points: Highlight special features or services. E.g., “Free parking available” or “Expert staff ready to assist.”
  • Tailored to local intent: Customise extensions based on user search intent. If someone searches for “coffee shops near me,” show a relevant location extension for your nearby coffee shop.
  • Testing different messaging: Experiment with variations to find what resonates. Try mentioning proximity to landmarks, product selection, or limited-time offers.
  • Monitoring and optimising: Regularly review performance metrics and refine strategies. Analyse CTR and conversion rates to improve results.

Example: “Visit our fitness centre with state-of-the-art equipment and personal trainers. Conveniently located near Central Park.”

How can social and app Assets/Extensions be leveraged to drive more engagement with your brand?

To drive more engagement with your brand, social and app Assets/Extensions can be leveraged. Here’s how:

  • Social proof: Display positive reviews, ratings, or testimonials from satisfied customers. For example, “Join our community of over 10,000 happy customers.”
  • App features: Showcase unique features or benefits of your app. For instance, “Get real-time notifications and exclusive offers with our mobile app.”
  • Call-to-action: Use compelling language to encourage users to take action. E.g., “Download our app now and start exploring.”
  • Interactive content: Include interactive elements like videos or interactive ads to captivate users and increase engagement.
  • Promotions and offers: Highlight special promotions, discounts, or exclusive offers available through your app or social platforms. For example, “Get 20% off your first purchase when you follow us on social media.”

Example: “Explore our interactive app to discover personalised recommendations, watch engaging videos, and unlock exclusive discounts. Download now and join our growing community of fashion enthusiasts.”

What are some common mistakes to avoid when implementing ad Assets/Extensions in a Google Ads campaign?

When en implementing ad Assets/Extensions in a Google Ads campaign, it’s essential to avoid some common mistakes. Here are a few examples:

  • Irrelevant extensions: Avoid using extensions that are not relevant to your ad or target audience. For instance, including a call extension for a campaign that focuses on driving website traffic.
  • Poorly written content: Ensure that the content of your extensions is concise, compelling, and free of grammatical errors. For example, using vague or confusing language in your callout extensions.
  • Overloading with extensions: Avoid using too many extensions in a single ad. Choose the most relevant and impactful extensions to avoid overwhelming users.
  • Ignoring performance data: Monitor the performance of your extensions regularly. Identify low-performing extensions and make necessary adjustments or replacements to improve overall campaign performance.
  • Inconsistent messaging: Maintain consistency between your ad copy and the messaging within your extensions. Ensure that they align in terms of tone, style, and value proposition.

Example: “When implementing ad extensions, make sure to avoid irrelevant extensions that may confuse your audience. Also, regularly monitor performance data and eliminate underperforming extensions. Consistency in messaging between your ad copy and extensions is crucial to maintaining a cohesive user experience.”


Which Ad Extension is Available Only as a fully automated Ad Extension?

“One notable fully automated ad extension is the Seller Ratings Extension. Unlike manually curated extensions, Seller Ratings are automatically generated based on aggregated customer reviews and ratings from across the web. This feature showcases your business’s credibility and trustworthiness without manual input, providing a powerful means to build consumer confidence through unbiased customer feedback.”

Can sitelinks go to a different domain?

Yes, sitelinks can go to a different domain in specific situations, such as affiliate marketing or multiple domain strategies.
However, it is generally recommended to maintain a consistent user experience by linking sitelinks to pages within the same domain as the main landing page.

How many location Assets/Extensions does Google Ads have?

Google Ads allows you to set up multiple Location Extensions for your ads. There is no specific limit to the number of Location Extensions you can have. You can create and customise Location Extensions for each physical business location, providing accurate information to users and targeting specific geographical areas.

Can I add multiple locations  to my Assets/Extensions?

Yes, you can add multiple locations to your Assets/Extensions in Google Ads. This allows you to showcase multiple business locations within your ads and provide users with accurate information about the various locations where your products or services are available.

Can I display multiple products or services with different prices using Price Assets/Extensions?

No, Price Assets/Extensions in Google Ads are designed to display a single product or service with a specific price. They are not intended to showcase multiple products or services with different prices simultaneously.

How can Price Assets/Extensions impact the performance of my ads?

Price Assets/Extensions can impact the performance of your ads in the following ways:
Increased Visibility: Including price information attracts users actively seeking products or services within their budget.
Improved Click-Through Rate (CTR): Clear pricing details make your ads more compelling, increasing the likelihood of user clicks.
Qualified Traffic: Users who click after seeing the price are more likely to be qualified leads, resulting in higher conversion rates.
Enhanced Ad Relevance: Price Assets/Extensions improve ad relevance, as users are more likely to click when the price aligns with their expectations.
Increased Conversion Rate: Price transparency manages user expectations, reducing surprises and improving the likelihood of conversions.

Are there any limitations on the types of apps that can use App Assets/Extensions?

No Limitations: There are no specific limitations on the types of apps that can use App Assets/Extensions.
Available for All Apps: App Assets/Extensions can be utilised by any mobile app, regardless of the industry or category.
Suitable for Various Purposes: Whether it’s an e-commerce app, travel app, gaming app, or any other type, App Assets/Extensions can be beneficial.
Focus on User Engagement: App Assets/Extensions are designed to enhance user engagement and encourage app downloads or specific in-app actions.
Compatible with iOS and Android: App Assets/Extensions can be used for both iOS and Android apps.

How can App Assets/Extensions improve the performance of my ads?

App Assets/Extensions can improve ad performance by:
* Increasing app installation.
* Enhancing visibility.
* Providing a streamlined user experience.
* Targeting a relevant audience.
* Tracking and optimising campaigns.

What is the character limit for promotion Assets/Extensions?

The character limit for promotion Assets/Extensions in Google Ads is 25 characters for the promotion text and 20 characters for the label text.

What are the benefits of promotion Assets/Extensions?

Increased visibility: They make your promotions stand out in search results.
Compelling offers: They allow you to showcase special discounts or deals.
Increased click-through rates: They attract users’ attention and encourage clicks.
Highlighted value proposition: They communicate the unique selling points of your promotions.
Improved ad relevance: They align your ads with user search intent, leading to better engagement and conversions.

What are the benefits of using Dynamic Callout Extensions in my ad campaigns?

Enhanced visibility: Dynamic Callout Extensions make your ads more prominent and noticeable to potential customers.
Additional relevant information: They allow you to showcase specific details, such as free shipping, 24/7 customer support, or product features, to entice users to click on your ad.
Increased click-through rates: Dynamic Callout Extensions can improve the performance of your ads by attracting more clicks from interested users.
Highlight unique selling points: They enable you to highlight the key advantages and unique aspects of your products or services, setting your business apart from competitors.
Flexible and automated: Dynamic Callout Extensions are automatically generated based on your website content, saving you time and effort in creating and managing individual callouts manually.

Are there any specific requirements or guidelines for setting up Dynamic Callout Extensions?

Yes, there are specific requirements and guidelines for setting up Dynamic Callout Extensions in Google Ads. These include eligibility criteria, character limits, ad relevance, regular review, and compliance with policies.

Can you explain how Seller Rating  Assets/Extensions work?

Aggregated ratings: Seller Rating Extensions display aggregated ratings and reviews from reputable sources.
Trust and credibility: They enhance the trust and credibility of your ads by showcasing positive customer experiences.
Increased visibility: Seller Ratings can help increase the visibility of your ads and attract more clicks.
Automatic inclusion: When your business meets certain criteria, the ratings are automatically included in your ads.
Third-party sources: Seller Ratings are sourced from reputable third-party review platforms.
Impact on performance: They can improve ad performance by increasing click-through rates (CTR) and potentially conversion rates.

When should we go for  automatic extensions like seller ratings?

* When your business has a significant number of positive customer reviews.
* When you want to enhance credibility and build trust with potential customers.
* When you prefer the convenience of not having to manually set up the extensions.
* When you want to improve the visibility of your ads.
* When you aim to enhance overall campaign performance and increase click-through rates.

Which extension is available only as a full automated extension and  why?

Seller Ratings Extensions in Google Ads are indeed available only as fully automated extensions. This is because the ratings displayed are aggregated from reputable sources and cannot be manually modified or controlled by advertisers. Google automatically collects and verifies the ratings from trusted review websites to ensure the credibility and accuracy of the information displayed. This automated approach allows for consistent and unbiased representation of the business’s reputation based on genuine customer feedback.

What are the benefits of dynamic image extension?

* Automated image generation
* Real-time content updates
* Increased visibility
* Improved relevance
* Enhanced user experience
* Potential for higher conversions

What are the benefits of dynamic structured snippets?

Benefits are of dynamic structured snippets are :
* Enhanced ad visibility
* Increased relevance
* Improved user experience
* Quick and easy setup
* Dynamic content updates
* Potential for higher click-through rates

How does Google determine which Dynamic Sitelinks to display for my ads?

Google determines Dynamic Sitelinks based on factors such as the user’s search query, device type, location, and browsing behaviour. Machine learning algorithms analyse these factors to select relevant and engaging sitelinks for display with your ads.

How To accurately track the conversions directly attributed to your Assets/Extensions.?

To accurately track conversions directly attributed to your Assets/Extensions, you can implement conversion tracking in Google Ads. This involves setting up conversion actions and adding the appropriate conversion tracking codes to your website or app. By doing so, you can measure and attribute conversions to specific Assets/Extensions, providing valuable insights into their performance and impact on your advertising efforts.

Which Assets/Extensions are considered the most valuable for improving CTR?

Sitelink extensions, Callout extensions, and Review extensions are typically considered valuable for improving click-through rates (CTR).

Can you provide an example of how Location Assets/Extensions might benefit a brick-and-mortar business looking to drive local traffic?

For example, a local restaurant can use Location Extensions to display their address and directions in their ads, making it easier for potential customers to find and visit their establishment.

What is the difference between a structured snippet and a callout extension?

Structured snippets provide specific details about products or services offered, while callout extensions highlight unique selling points or benefits of the business.

How can you ensure your ad qualifies for a price extension?

To qualify for a price extension, you need to provide accurate and up-to-date pricing information in your ads, adhere to Google’s policies, and meet the specific requirements for creating price extensions.

Can you explain how App Assets/Extensions work and how they can be used to encourage app downloads?

App Assets/Extensions showcase your mobile app in your ad, including app icon, title, and a call-to-action button, making it easy for users to download the app directly from the ad, thus encouraging app downloads.

How can Review Assets/Extensions improve the credibility of my ads and boost CTR?

Review Assets/Extensions display positive reviews or ratings from reputable sources, enhancing the credibility of your ads and increasing the likelihood of users clicking on them.

What are some of the different types of Assets/Extensions that can be added to a Google Ads campaign?

Sitelink, Callout, Location, Call, App, Promotion, Price, Structured Snippet, and Review are some of the different types of Assets/Extensions available.

How can call Assets/Extensions be optimised to encourage more phone calls from potential customers?

Optimise call Assets/Extensions by displaying prominent phone numbers, using compelling call-to-action phrases, and aligning with ad messaging.

What are some best practices for utilising sitelink Assets/Extensions to promote specific landing pages?

* Use relevant sitelinks that align with the specific landing page content.
* Ensure the sitelinks are prominently displayed and easy to click.
* Test different sitelink combinations to find the most effective ones.
* Match the sitelinks with the ad messaging and user search intent.
* Monitor and analyse the performance of sitelinks to optimise their effectiveness.

How can structured snippets be used to highlight key features or categories of products/services?

Structured snippets can be used to showcase specific features, attributes, or categories related to your products or services.
* Choose relevant and descriptive snippets that highlight the unique selling points or key aspects of your offerings.
* Organise the snippets into logical categories to provide a comprehensive overview.
* Ensure the snippets align with the ad copy and landing page content for a consistent message.
* Regularly review and update the structured snippets to keep them relevant and up to date.

What is the role of ad Assets/Extensions in improving Quality Score and ad rank?

Ad Assets/Extensions can improve ad relevance and user experience.
* Higher ad relevance can lead to better Quality Scores.
* Better Quality Scores can positively impact ad rank.
* Ad Assets/Extensions contribute to providing more relevant and engaging ad experiences for users.
* Improved ad rank can lead to higher ad positions and potentially lower costs per click.

How can automated ad Assets/Extensions be used to streamline the optimization process?

Automated ad Assets/Extensions can be used to dynamically generate relevant content, saving time and effort in manually updating and optimising extensions.

What data and metrics should be tracked to measure the success of a Google Ads extension strategy?

Track metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, impression share, engagement, and cost-per-click (CPC) to measure the success of extension strategies.

About Author

Subhash Jain is the Founder of Samyak Online – the leading Google Ads Management Agency in India. Contact us if you intend to have maximum return of your Google Ads spend.

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