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How to Speed Up Your Website by Waterfall Analysis

Waterfall Analysis

Website loading performance is the core of business performance and growth. If you are experiencing a high drift of visitors, poor loading performance of web pages may be a major cause. You might be using website load time measuring tools like Google PSI Tool – PageSpeed Insights, WebPageTest,or GTmetrix, etc; these can generate Waterfall charts but might not be using this less-known but very important feature. Unless you understand real-time website performance insights, it is a tough task to find the particular silo and eradicate it. Understanding Waterfall analysis charts or Waterfall analysis graphs helps you optimize website loading performance at ease based on real-time metrics. Read this blog to understand what is ‘Waterfall analysis’ and ‘how to use Waterfall analysis layouts/charts to keep your business website performing in retaining visitors’.   

What is Waterfall analysis?

Waterfall analysis is an analytical method used to monitor, scale, and analyze a website’s performance. Waterfall analysis is a methodology for analyzing the requests and responses between a server and a client to get real-time insights into website loading patterns. Waterfall analysis helps you identify the particular resources causing the slow loading of websites like large images or non-optimized JavaScript files. The waterfall charts or waterfall graphs are the visual representation of order and how the different website assets like CSS, JavaScript, images, plugins, third-party content, HTML, etc load.

How to Understand Waterfall Analysis Chart by Colors in Tool

Each row in the Waterfall analysis chart represents a different object within a page like text, an image, a JavaScript file, etc. Each object travels between the server and browser; the captured journey time for each activity reflects in a waterfall chart in a different colored bar.

Waterfall Analysis Attributes

Different Waterfall tools create different Waterfall charts with variations in lines, bars, colors. Waterfall charts can be created for more purposes than just evaluating total load time of web pages. Depending on the tool that you use, the names for some attributes may vary slightly. The key attributes of the Waterfall chart are elaborated below.

DNS lookup

A DNS lookup or DNS record lookup is a process of converting human-readable domain names into a computer-readable IP address (216.168. 246.55). A DNS lookup is initiated each time a URL is entered into the browser’s address bar. 

How can you faster DNS lookup?

Faster DNS lookup can be achieved by using a combination of strategies:- 


Also called SSL negotiation, it is the time taken by the web browser to perform an SSL/TLS handshake. You will see SSL / TLS only if your website or CDN is running over HTTPS. 

How can you improve SSL / TLS time?

To enhance SSL/TLS performance, consider these steps: 

Initial Connection / Connect / TCP Connection

Also termed as the TCP connection or connect, it is the time required for creating a TCP connection. It creates a connection between a server local host/client. 

How can you minimize initial connection time?

Minimizing initial connection time involves several strategies:- 

TTFB Waiting

Time To First Byte (TTFB) is the time between HTTP request creation and receiving its first byte from the web server. Faster TTFB means that the requested resource will be delivered to the browser faster. 

How can you improve website speed by reducing TTFB waiting time?

To enhance website speed by reducing Time To First Byte (TTFB) waiting time, follow these steps:-

Content Download

It is the time taken to download requested content. The larger size assets and file sizes cause longer Content download time. Image compression is an effective practice to reduce the content download time. 

How can you speed up content download?

To accelerate content download, employ these strategies:-

DOMContentLoaded (DCL)

It is the time taken by the browser at the site’s server to parse a document and execute deferred and parser-inserted scripts after the users’ request. 

How can you improve website speed by reducing DOM Content Loaded time?

To decrease DOM Content Loaded time and enhance website speed, adhere to these practices:-

Load time / Fully loaded

Load time  is an important metric. Fully loaded is the time taken by a webpage to finish downloading, rendering, and be visible to the visitor. We have already discussed the various techniques and steps to achieve ideal load time for a website.  The blog – 10 Tips to Improve Website Speed for the Ultimate UX in A Smart Way. provides insights as How can you improve website speed by reducing Load time?

Page size / Data Transferred 

Google recommends aiming for an ideal web page size of 500 KB or less for optimal performance. This includes all resources like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and other assets. However, the focus should be on reducing the number of bytes transferred, which has a greater impact on load times than the specific page size. Employing techniques like minifying code, compressing images, leveraging browser caching, and optimizing critical rendering can significantly decrease the data transferred, resulting in faster loading times and an improved user experience. Regular performance monitoring and testing are crucial to ensure that your website meets these goals.

HTTP Requests

Reducing the number of HTTP requests helps minimize load times by decreasing the round-trip time between the browser and the server. Techniques like combining multiple CSS and JavaScript files, using CSS sprites for icons, and employing inline styles and scripts can help reduce the number of requests. Additionally, utilizing HTTP/2’s multiplexing capabilities can help mitigate the impact of multiple requests by allowing them to be sent over a single connection, further improving page load times and user experience.

Status Codes / Error Codes

These are messages that contain request completion status information. If there is any issue with an HTTP request, you will see a list of Status codes like 400 Bad Requests, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, 405 Method Not Allowed, 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons, etc. 

How can you eliminate website status error codes?

Eliminating website status error codes requires diligent monitoring, optimization, and error handling. Follow these steps:-

Regular Monitoring: Employ website monitoring tools to detect errors promptly and receive alerts when issues arise.

Optimize Server Infrastructure: Ensure your web server is properly configured and capable of handling traffic. Use load balancing and failover mechanisms to minimize downtime.

Effective Error Handling: Customize error pages to provide useful information to users. Utilize HTTP error codes to communicate specific issues (e.g., 404 for not found, 500 for internal server error).

Check External Resources: Ensure third-party resources like APIs and external scripts are reliable and properly integrated.

Security Measures: Implement security measures like input validation and user authentication to prevent attacks that might trigger errors.

Robust Code: Develop and maintain clean, efficient code that minimizes bugs and potential error triggers.

Regular Testing: Continuously test your website, including edge cases, to identify and address potential error scenarios.

Backup and Recovery: Have backups of your website and databases in case errors lead to data loss. Implement disaster recovery plans.

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Use CDNs to distribute content across multiple servers, reducing the impact of server-related errors.

Update Dependencies: Keep software, plugins, and frameworks updated to ensure compatibility and security.

Redundancy: Consider redundant server setups and failover mechanisms to minimize the impact of server failures.

Performance Optimization: Optimize your website’s performance to prevent overload and reduce the chances of server errors.

Implement Retry Logic: For transient errors, like network timeouts, consider implementing retry mechanisms.

Log Analysis: Regularly analyze error logs to identify patterns and root causes. This can help you proactively address issues.

User-Friendly Messaging: Craft error messages that provide clear instructions for users to resolve issues or contact support.

Ideal Major Metrics / KPIs for Website Speed

You should follow & keep optimized these major KPIs for Website Speed:-

Waterfall Analysis Tools: Chrome DevTools Network & Webpagetest

There are number of Waterfall Analysis tools; the top two most used Waterfall Analysis tools are- 

Chrome DevTools Network Tab

It provides detailed information about the issues slowing down your website speed as well as it provides metrics-driven insights to make your website faster

To start with, select the ‘Performance tab’ to click at ‘Start profiling and reload page’ button. Orange colored CPU timeline indicated use of a lot of JavaScript; optimize it. If you see a slow request, break down the duration of a request over the Waterfall column to find and resolve the issue. If a response is taking too long time to download, the response body needs to be smaller by different practices like image compression, image resizing, JavaScript code minimization, removing large dependencies, etc. To resolve the slow server response, look at the backend code and optimize it. Chrome DevTools has a ‘network throttling’ option to help you monitor your page render gradually and content display order with an eye upon the particular block rendering. To improve the load experience for the users, clear Chrome’s DNS and connection caches. Other features of Chrome DevTools Network Tab are Filmstrip, Group by frame, Request columns, Connection India, Initiator, etc.


It is an open-source web performance testing tool designed to provide diagnostic information of web page performance under different conditions. Its online version facilitates to run each test from different locations on real browsers in customized network conditions. It helps you test the user’s real experience over modern devices and the latest browser versions. It provides website technical performance measurements by scaling the user’s visual experience. The provided metrics about DNS, TCP, TLS, and other analysis attributes help you improve website performance. The key website performance attributes in WebPageTest Waterfall View chart are- Key; Request list, Request timeline, CPU Utilization, Bandwidth In, Browser Main Thread, etc. 


In conclusion, employing a waterfall analysis is a powerful approach to accelerate your website’s performance. By meticulously dissecting the loading process, you can identify bottlenecks, prioritize optimizations, and enhance user experience. Begin by scrutinizing each stage of the waterfall chart—DNS resolution, connection establishment, data transfer, and rendering. Prioritize efficient hosting, leverage browser caching, and implement content delivery networks (CDNs). Optimize resource sizes, defer non-essential scripts, and adopt compression techniques. Continuously monitor and refine your strategies, considering the evolving best practices. Waterfall analysis provides a comprehensive roadmap to streamline loading times, ultimately resulting in a faster, more engaging website for your users.


What is DOM?

Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for XML and HTML documents that provides a node tree-structured view of a document defining different ways to access and manipulate it using JavaScript like scripting languages. All items in the DOM are called nodes. There are three main types of DOM nodes:
* Element 
* Text 
* Comment 

A node tree represents an HTML element. Chrome DevTools show a DOM after being manipulated by JavaScript or HTML. A DOM is separated into three parts:
* Core DOM – A standard model for all the document types
* HTML DOM – A standard model for the HTML documents
* XML DOM- A standard model for the XML documents

What Is Blocking the DOM?

To analyze the website speed, you need to consider the elements that might be blocking the DOM resulting in an increase in page load time. These elements are known as render blocking resources also like CSS, and JavaScript.

How Can You See What Is Blocking The DOM?

You can use PageSpeed Insights or Chrome DevTools (Chrome Canary). The following example is created with Chrome Canary:  

1. Launch Google Chrome developers tools
2. Windows: F12 or also Ctrl + Shift + I
3. Browse the “Network” panel 
4. Refresh the page by using Ctrl + R (Cmd + R)
5. You will see a waterfall chart with load times for different attributes. 

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