Twitter Card a way to take the Tweet to next level in Social Media

What is a Twitter Card?

Twitter card makes it possible to expand your tweet to a preview of your article title, description, and a thumbnail of the photograph. Twitter card enriches the tweet with media like photo and video.

Why use Twitter Card?

There are millions of tweets on a particular topic or subject. Traditional tweets with text are not enough to draw the attention of users. Users like photos, videos and reacts to them more by commenting or retweeting. This increases users’ engagement with the tweets, more click-through driving more traffic to your site and spreading you on the social media sites. The Twitter Cards enhances your company branding also. Twitter card is very important to everybody whether be a company, organization, blogger, internet marketer, SEO expert.

Twitter card example

Twitter Card

Where to get Twitter Card?

You need to apply for Twitter Card at When it is approved after a few days, you can use it.

Twitter Card is a tool to achieve your goals and hit your targets with better users’ experience and helps to get social success. Contact us to take your tweets to next level in your social media marketing efforts.

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